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Message Board


*****  I have decided not to update this public message board, and I have only left a few of the original messages I received right at the onset.

Most of the personal feedback I get is through email and I wish to respect everyone’s privacy. Thank you to all for reaching out to me and with all of your ever so kind words.  I am truly humbled…..

****Please note: Thank you kindly for all of the positive comments and support that I have received! Please share what help and services were available for your terminally ill loved ones. And for those who have read my book, your comments have been very much appreciated! Thank you.


Susanne Gallant
***Message I received about my book from Dr. Myers, Head of the Palliative Care Consult Team at Odette Cancer Centre, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre:

“”Hi Susanne – so the craziness of April and May finally passed and I was able to curl up on the couch last weekend and without distraction read your book. I must tell you, the details of the story and the images created are truly magnificent in their honesty. Despite having done this work for the last 15 years, I learned so much from your words as it was such a tremendous perspective that is rarely shared. I have strongly recommended to our Patient Education Manager to have a copy of the book made available to our patients and families within the PEARL (Pt Education Resource Centre) and she is very pleased to do so.Thank you for sharing this story, for allowing me to read it and for the many caregivers whose experience will be impacted in some way after having read it themselves. Nothing in life prepares one for the kind of experience so eloquently recounted and it will no doubt offer reassurance and a sense of “not being alone in this” to many.

With great respect…Jeff””

Jeff Myers MD, CCFP, MSEd
Head – Palliative Care Consult Team
Co-Program Head – Patient and Family Support Program
Odette Cancer Centre, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
W. Gifford-Jones Professorship in Pain and Palliative Care
Head and Associate Professor – Division of Palliative Care,
Department of Family and Community Medicine
Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto

May 8th 2012: What a wonderful day at the Hike for Hospice on Sunday in Picton! The community support for Hospice Prince Edward was enormous and so heartwarming! A truly remarkable day indeed, and we were so very proud and happy to have participated in this event. I can’t thank our personal supporters enough for their kindness with generous donations to this extremely worthy cause!!

April 2012: My husband and I are very excited to be participating in the Hike for Hospice on May 6th 2012 in Picton. The link to “our page” is below if you would like to sponsor us. Many thanks!

I think you can continue to make donations on the link below for a little while after the date of the event as well if you didn’t have the chance beforehand and would like to.


In reply to Judy G.Absolutely I remember you Judy, and of course Gary! Thank you for your condolences and your comments!

How wonderful that you are involved with palliative care, good for you Judy! Anyone who has experienced being there for someone with terminal illness and palliative care, is touched forever!

Judy G Hi Suzanne, I too am involved in palliative care. I am a volunteer  in Burlington and at present taking a ten week course at Acclaim Health in Oakville. I will definetly read your book and tell them about it at the course on Monday night. It sounds like something everyone that is in palliative care should read. Thanks for sharing your personal story.
(Not sure you remember us but Garry and myself use to work with Parker).
Garry and I are so very sorry for the loss of your sister as well as Parker’s mom.

Susanne Gallant
March 2012: My very dear elderly mother-in-law passed away in long term care facility. I was again very humbled, fortunate and comforted that I was at her bedside when she passed away ever so peacefully. The palliative care she received there was exemplary, and the kindness shown to family will never be forgotten! The staff went above and beyond, even in providing family with thermal pots of coffee, tea, sandwiches and cookies while we stood vigil. Thank you to the staff and doctor! I cannot re-iterate enough the pure compassion and kindness that palliative care bestows upon both our loved ones as well as family members!She will be forever in my heart and thoughts, and greatly missed!

Susanne Gallant
November 2011: My very dear sister passed away. I was very privileged and comforted that I was at her bedside throughout her last evening. In the long term care facility where she was, she received wonderful palliative care which again re-inforced how passionate I am about palliative care for all of our loved ones. Thank you to the staff that took such wonderful care of my sister! She will be forever in my heart and thoughts, and greatly missed!

Diane L I live in Trent Hills. We are very lucky to have an ACCESS Centre and Community Care Northumberland Hospice. With these two organizations, almost every imaginable service is available to those seeking help with a loved one’s terminal illness.
Fortunately for me, my brother is a former neighbour of Susanne’s and ordered a copy of her book for me. It was a wonderfully easy read and will be very, very helpful for both laypeople and professionals alike. I can’t recommend it highly enough and will be suggesting it to my Hospice Coordinator in Campbellford for purchase for our library.

Susanne In reply to Diane L.I very much appreciate your very kind words Diane. How wonderful that your community is so well equipped to care for terminally ill loved ones, you are very fortunate indeed! Thank you for sharing this information.

Susanne In reply to Lisa M.Thank you Lisa, your comments are very much appreciated!

Lisa M I too had the opportunity to read Susanne’s draft and I couldn’t put it down! There are few books that I read cover-to-cover but this is one of those rare few. It’s engaging, succinct and sincere. I can’t wait to have the hard copy in my hands. I highly recommend this book.

Susanne In reply to Linda T.Thank you Linda, I am humbled. You are a very strong and special lady!

Linda T Even the doctors told me that a home palliative care for a loved one is very emotionally challenging which requires a lot of patience and love. What added to my resolve to do this was Susanne. She and her husband were there for me. She gave me a lot of advice especially how to contact the services available in Scarborough. Most of all, she gave me the draft of her book to read. I could not put it down. It is a wonderful guide for the care of a terminally ill loved one. For me those last days, weeks, months allowed me to express my deepest affection and loving care for my husband which one cannot show while they are strong and independent. Thank you Susanne!

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