If Only

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If Only

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Table of Contents


Table of Contents


If Only, But For One More Moment .......................................................... 9
Introduction .............................................................................  11
1.     My Happy Bubble Bursts ............................................................. 17
2.     My Husband, Sons and Daughter: "Thank You; I Love You" ............................. 23
3.     "Angels on Earth" for Whatever Time Remained ......................................  27
4.     When Total Silence Fell Upon Us All ................................................ 35
5.     If I Were to Shed Even One Tear .................................................... 45
6.     The Final Round? ................................................................... 51
7.     Fast-Paced Days; Movies in the Evening ............................................. 58
8.     The "Final Cruise" to Acceptance ................................................... 70
9.     So Soothing and Peaceful a Haven Shall be .......................................... 76
10.    "Please Don't See Me Take My Last Breath" .......................................... 86
11.    "Give Mom a Huge Hug for Me" ....................................................... 92
12.    "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep" ....................................................... 97
13.    "God's Garden" ..................................................................... 106
14.    Some Final Thoughts ................................................................ 107
             Things We Used or Did to Enhance Comfort
             Family Members/Friends -- Support for Family Caregivers
             Family Members/Friends -- Support for the Terminally Ill
             Retirement Residences
             The World Health Organization's Definition of Palliative Care
             Main Phone Numbers and Websites in Canada and the United States
                            (Hospice is International)
Last page/quotes .......................................................................... 137
Notes (7 blank pages for your own notes) .................................................. 138