If Only

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If Only

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Book Synopsis for Media

Book Synopsis for the Media and for Recommended Reading Lists

“If Only, but for one more moment…” written by Susanne Gallant is a moving story of a daughters loving journey with her parents when they needed her the most, following their latter stage terminal cancer diagnosis. It is a journey of self discovery of the love, strength, and compassion within, while striving to bring comfort and joy to dying loved ones for their last months, weeks and days. This is not just about preparing to lose a loved one, but also about living life with your terminally ill loved one with real quality time, optimism, love and compassion, a time for reminiscing together, laughter, and about a form of healing and reaching acceptance with inner peace together.

It is a purposely kept condensed book so as to be a quicker informative read, and written in such a way that it is like sitting down for a coffee with a friend and being immersed in hearing about their personal story with their terminally ill loved ones.

Within the story in itself, a multitude of pertinent and valuable information can be found —- insight, tips, words of encouragement, and guidance throughout that may be very useful in preparing and guiding you in caring for your terminally ill loved one. There is very real and personal insight into some of the physical, emotional and spiritual issues associated with terminal illness that is so helpful to know beforehand. An understanding of the pure kindness of palliative care (term used for end of life care or life threatening illness) in the home, or home setting will be attained, yet it is equally beneficial and informative if not in the home.

This book was written to help prepare families overwhelmed following a loved ones latter stage terminal diagnosis. And to spread the awareness of Hospice and Palliative Care which ultimately can enable loved ones to remain in their own homes in comfort and with compassion for as long as possible.

Some will read “If Only, but for one more moment…” for comfort and guidance while hearing about one woman’s journey helping to care for her terminally ill loved ones. Some may read it as they have elderly loved ones in long term care. And yet others may read it as a novel for a heartfelt journey of love.

Website: www.ifonlybutforonemoremoment.com

Book is available for purchase at:  Online at Authors website above; through Amazon; Chapters Indigo (online only);  and as an e-book on iTunes, Kobo ebooks, Kindle store.  It is also available at the Oshawa Public Library.


Author Bio for the Media

Susanne Gallant is very passionate about palliative care, especially in-home. She wrote this book to help prepare those overwhelmed following a loved one’s latter stage terminal diagnosis. This, the author’s first published book, was precipitated by her intense year-and-a-half involvement as one of the family caregivers for her terminally ill parents.

She enjoys spending most of her time, along with her husband, in Prince Edward County Ontario especially when their grown children, grandchildren, family and friends come to visit.
