If Only

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If Only

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About the Author

Susanne Gallant is extremely passionate about palliative care, particularly in-home. After having lost both of her parents, sister and mother in-law, this book is very near and dear to her heart. She wrote this to help prepare those overwhelmed following a loved one’s latter-stage terminal diagnosis.

If Only But For One More Moment

This, the author’s first published book, was precipitated by her intense year-and-a-half involvement as one of the family caregivers for her terminally ill parents.

She enjoys spending most of her time, along with her husband and little Papillon dog, at her home in Prince Edward County, Ontario (especially when their grown children, grandchildren, family and friends come to visit).







Photography is but another passion. Below is the author’s Photographer Profile.

                                                     Photographer Profile

                                                         Susanne Gallant

Throughout my life there have been many pockets of time that were spent amongst the natural beauty of unique and breathtaking landscapes, flora and nature. While growing up, the magnificent towering trees that reached for the sky and surrounded my childhood home, were inspirational and commanded awe in their natural habitat and stature.

As a young girl, I would open my window wide and sit upon the ledge. I could spend hours just gazing out upon the ever changing beauty before me, while being serenaded by the sweet and sometimes mystical songs of varying species of birds and critters. The lake was but a pathway away, through the bountiful forest’s lush vegetation which cleverly concealed what lay ahead. I always felt I was on an adventure to a secret world beyond, while admiring nature’s creations amongst the forest floor.  And just as spectacular in the winter months, the fluffy white snow in abundance would offer numerous visual masterpieces or oddities.

I spent many a day amongst the captivating and mesmerizing vistas of Algonquin Park, Temagami, Red Lake and Muskoka. These were all catalysts that first spawned my intrigue, appreciation and love of nature and the visual artistry it evokes. Years later, my senses were again awakened and inspired here in the County as it overflows with hidden little gems just waiting to be “happened upon”.  And with numerous impromptu visits by our feathered friends, no matter how fleeting. There are countless moments of images yet to be captured and frozen in time in a photograph.

When you are drawn into the wonderment of the visual, vocal, and the aromatic appeal of nature itself, there is no escaping that the photographer within, will at some point emerge. Though I am self taught I relish the prospect of continually enhancing my capabilities in the art of photography and perhaps you will enjoy following my evolution over the years to come. When not focusing, zooming and clicking away, I am currently promoting  my book “If Only, but for one more moment…”,   a book which is very near and dear to my heart, about in-home palliative care for a terminally ill loved one.

Susanne Gallant